Vernissage Pia Fries; Dezember 2023; Foto: Melanie Wiener (Kulturabteilung Land Tirol), Uschi Schwarzl (Stadträtin Innsbruck), Wilfriede Hribar

Live the art... !

Vernissage Pia Fries; Dezember 2023; Foto: Melanie Wiener (Kulturabteilung Land Tirol), Uschi Schwarzl (Stadträtin Innsbruck), Wilfriede Hribar

Live the art... !

Opening with Friedhelm Mennekes

The advice of Friedhelm Mennekes, who introduced the works of Pia Fries at the opening of tausend : einerlei, referred to the question of the meaning of art. In his experience, it should be lived, "because when things are shaky and wobbly, art helps." Mennekes, a Jesuit and expert who advises the Vatican, among others, on contemporary art, was inspired by the colors of "schwarze blumen", the large-format work by Pia Fries. "She moves with the color". The guests at the opening evening were also enthusiastic about the works, including (in the photo from left) Melanie Wiener from Tyrol's Department of Culture, Innsbruck City Councillor Uschi Schwarzl and Wilfriede Hribar.