cedag quartett, Konzert bei KiS, 9. Juli 2024

The cedag quartet as a guest at KiS

Music by Glass and Shostaktovich 

"A wonderful musical summer evening" - "This is beautiful" - "The performance was outstanding." These and similar were the reactions of the audience at the concert at KiS in early July 2024. The cedag quartet performed two string quartets no. 3: the one by Philip Glass, which was originally recorded for the film "Mishima - a [...]

Thoughts, conversations, impressions

The image of the flower. Flower pictures

Ross Bleckner did not personally travel from New York to Seefeld for the opening of his exhibition at the end of June 2024. However, he conveyed his thoughts as a text contribution for the catalog, which was published on the occasion of the exhibition. "any interest I have in flowers is an interest I actually have in images of flowers", [...]

Kinder bei KiS: Juliana Haider 2024

Children & concert in summer

Our current projects 

July offers two events as part of Ross Bleckner's exhibition. On July 23, we invite children (of primary school age) to KiS. Juliana Haider (photo @Kulowska), who has a lot of experience in children's theater, will organize an exciting hour with two groups on the topic of "Reading Pictures". And at the beginning of the month we had the [...]

Our new offer for you

Exhibition catalogs & art posters

Exhibitions, talks with artists, concerts, readings ... The Alte Feuerwehrhalle in Seefeld has become a meeting place for contemporary art of all genres since the start of exhibition activities in 2021. Recently, you can also purchase exhibition and artist catalogs as well as art posters from us. Interested? Then find out more about our offer. With [...]

Finissage Pia Fries tausend : einerlei; Rafael Jablonka, Pia Fries, Hans Brändli

Art is communication

Pia Fries in conversation at the finissage

Pia Fries' exhibition came to an end in March 2024 with an exciting round of talks. Maria-Anna Meßner-Haidenthaler from the Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum conducted the discussion with the artist and Rafael Jablonka. "Basically, I want to paint a good picture", Pia Fries summed up her working method in a simple way. To then [...]

Dichtung & Jazz: 02/2024; von links: Juliana Haider, Alexandra Maria Jablonka

Poetry & Jazz at KiS

Reading with saxophone accompaniment

Every poem, even the shortest, can turn into a blossoming poem, it could probably even explode, for immeasurable stores of glory and cruelty are hidden everywhere, waiting patiently for our gaze ...

This is how "Erblühendes Poem" begins, a poem by Adam Zagajewski, which Alexandra Maria Jablonka (right) read at a [...]

Schaulager Jablonka Collection by Rafael Jablonka

Jablonka Collection in Seefeld

Experience exclusively for KiS members

Wonderful experience, great art, unforgettable impressions ... These and similar are the reactions of the participants in the guided tours through Rafael Jablonka's Schaulager. In these rooms, the collector and KiS initiator displays parts of his collection of important works of contemporary art. The photo shows Miquel Barceló's "Des Meduses", in the [...]

Vernissage Pia Fries; Dezember 2023; Foto: Melanie Wiener (Kulturabteilung Land Tirol), Uschi Schwarzl (Stadträtin Innsbruck), Wilfriede Hribar

Live the art... !

Opening with Friedhelm Mennekes

The advice of Friedhelm Mennekes, who introduced the works of Pia Fries at the opening of tausend : einerlei, referred to the question of the meaning of art. In his experience, it should be lived, "because when things are shaky and wobbly, art helps." Mennekes, Jesuit and expert, who among other things [...]

Schaulager Jablonka Collection by Rafael Jablonka

Exclusive tour of the Jablonka Collection

We advertise dates

The Schaulager, where Rafael Jablonka exhibits important works of contemporary art, is always presenting itself in a new way. He has collected Eric Fischl's Krefeld Project, Mike Kelley's Kandor, works by Francesco Clemente, Nobuyoshi Araki, David LaChapelle and Andy Warhol in the course of his life as a gallery owner, exhibits them and repeatedly invites a small circle of art lovers to [...]

Konzert Siggi & Juliana Haider, 5.10.2023, Fotografierende Frau

On the trail of Werner Pirchner

Evening with Siggi & Juliana Haider

Accordionist and composer Siggi Haider not only knew Werner Pirchner personally and recorded the 'Sonata vom rauhen Leben' with him in the recording studio, he also plays on the accordion that Pirchner, who died in 2001, had specially made for him. Together with his daughter Juliana (saxophone and vocals), Siggi Haider interpreted the [...]

Ausstellung David LaChapelle in Seefeld

David LaChapelle's Bible Cycle

Jesuit priest holds introduction

Great interest at the opening of David LaChapelle's exhibition: Jesuit Father Friedhelm Mennekes (second from right) gave exciting insights into the biblical scenes from "Jesus is My Homeboy" from the perspective of the Church. Father Mennekes, who as an art expert advises the Vatican, among others, was enthusiastic about LaChapelle's photographic interpretations, which for him [...]

Konzert Valerie Fritz (Cello) anlässlich Andy-Warhol-Ausstellung, 6.8.2022. Am Podium mit Autorin Friederike Gösweiner und Rafael Jablonka

August 2022: Concert at KiS

Bach, Reich, Gordon

The exhibition of Andy Warhol's "Ten Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century" provided a fitting backdrop for a special concert. The young cellist Valerie Fritz (right) played Johann Sebastian Bach, Steve Reich and Michael Gordon, and author Friederike Gösweiner read the poem "Going to Lemberg" by Adam Zagajewski. This Polish poet, who died in 2021 [...]